

Follow our passion to drought proof the country
Aussie Admiral Steam Cleaner

Earthmoving … Keeping It Clean

EARTHMOVING … KEEPING IT CLEAN One Australian pump and pressure cleaner manufacturer that understands the earthmoving business better than any other is Aussie Pumps.  With some of the key executives having had a lifetime of being associated with big equipment, they understand the pressures, the opportunities and most of all, the challenges facing earthmoving contractors...
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The life of a dairy farmer is always interesting. You can never be quite sure of what’s around the corner. It may be floods or worse … drought.  Either way, Australia’s dairy farmers are so resilient that they always seem to bounce back from these natural disasters. In spite of those challenges, farm gate milk...
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Smart Pumps for Smart Farmers

SMART PUMPS FOR SMART FARMERS Australia’s farmers are to be congratulated on their excellent production results as covered in the latest ABARE reports. The outlook for the next season is positive with good soil moisture and water storage levels reported. AUSSIE SMART PUMPS … GOOD VALUE One company that realised the value of the agricultural...
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Safe Jetting

Free Jetter Safety Training As Australia’s leading manufacturer and designer of Drain Cleaning equipment, Australian Pump are on a mission to share knowledge on the safe use of Jetters with the plumbing industry.  Aussie’s range of Cobra Jetters incorporates both Class A and Class B machines that are fast and effective. Plumbers are keen to...
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Right to Repair

Aussie Pumps Support “Right to Repair” Here at Australian Pump Industries we are fanatical about the restoration of Australia’s manufacturing industry. Located on a 2.5 acre site at Sydney’s Norwest Business District, Aussie Pumps is a shining example of an Australian company (which started our in a garage 28 years ago) who is now a...
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Tanker Pump Revolution

Water carts are a vital part of the earthmoving industry. They range from a single axle truck with a small 5,000 litre poly tank mounted on the back to sophisticated 30,000 or 50,000 litre tankers in stainless steel delivering drinking water where required. UNSUNG HEROES Originally water carts had low pressure dribble bars designed specifically...
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Aussie Goes to Euronaval

This was the third Euronaval show that Australian Pump has participated in.  It was very positive to see real interest in our Australian designed and made lightweight portable diesel fire and salvage pumps (the Aussie Seamaster and Sea Skipper range). Apart from that, there was a lot of action with visits to the CIRCOR stand...
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Farewell to Senator Jim Molan

We got to meet Jim when he first came back from Iraq, around 18 years ago.  His clear thinking, warmth and unashamed patriotism were obvious to any who met him. Jim will be remembered as a soldier, a Senator and a patriot.  His last great work was the publication of his book ‘Danger On Our...
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Fire Weather … coming soon!

By now we’ve all accepted that the climate is changing. Apart from recent floods, the six year drought, the other major impact on our lives is likely to be the repercussions of fire seasons tipped to become longer and hotter! The Climate Change Report, suggests there will be a significant trend in southern Australia towards...
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