Fire Weather … coming soon!

By now we’ve all accepted that the climate is changing. Apart from recent floods, the six year drought, the other major impact on our lives is likely to be the repercussions of fire seasons tipped to become longer and hotter!

The Climate Change Report, suggests there will be a significant trend in southern Australia towards more days with weather that is conductive to extreme bushfires! They warn that we should not underestimate the impact of fire generating thunderstorms that can lead to extremely dangerous fire conditions, like those experienced during the Black Summer of 2019/20.

Australian Pump Industries takes these subjects very seriously and is dismissive of the suggestion that there will be “no fire season this summer”.  Their Chief Engineer, John Hales, is suggesting that the huge amount of moisture from the rainfall has lead to unprecedented growth in forests, national parks and areas where homes are built on the ‘Urban Interface’.

“We should be preparing for a fire season from hell”, said John Hales (Chief Engineer at Aussie Pumps). “ We’re building record numbers of our world leading fire pumps and our new Brigade Boss series with added high pressure and high flow capabilities”, he said.

The company ships big quantities of the Aussie Fire Chief and it’s twin impeller versions overseas for the Northern Hemisphere fire season and is a major player in supplying pumps to the Indonesian firefighters in both Sumatra and Kalimantan.

More information on Aussie’s range of portable firefighting pumps

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