The life of a dairy farmer is always interesting. You can never be quite sure of what’s around the corner. It may be floods or worse … drought.  Either way, Australia’s dairy farmers are so resilient that they always seem to bounce back from these natural disasters.

In spite of those challenges, farm gate milk prices are forecast to rise by 28% to 72.6 cents per litre for the 2022-23 year.  It’s being driven by high global dairy prices and that in turn has lead to increased competition between processers.

Other highlights include Aussie cheese commanding a premium in Japan, accounting for 36% of all Australian cheese exports! Other bright spots might be New Zealand’s ban on exports of livestock by sea to China.  Last year they exported 126,800 live cattle to the People’s Republic, most of which were dairy cows and heifers.  Australia delivered 93,000 live cattle to China over the same period.

Forecasters also expect the UK market to open up and maybe even a relaxation of the EU 32% import tariffs on diary imports from Australia.  It’s not all good news, it’s not all bad news either! The most important thing is dairy farmers are having the courage to invest in the right plant, looking forward to milk production improving in the second half of 2023 with seasonal conditions across eastern Australia being drier. That will lead to increased productivity by improving the quality and quantity of on farm feed and fodder!

Aussie GMP self priming pumps are ideal for handling of effluent in dairies.

One company that understands the importance of the dairy industry is Australian Pump Industries. This innovative Australian operation has developed a product range of pumps and high pressure cleaning equipment destined to make the life of milk producers easier.

Importantly, they are well represented in the Gippsland region by what they call their ‘Gold Distributors’. One example is in Warragal where Farm Depot proudly represents the Aussie Brand. Matt Keeble does a terrific job in supporting Aussie’s progressive product line, knowing that it represents quality, is Australian made and has very real advantages for the user.

BrownWigg branches at Stratford, Officer, Meeniyan and Yarram proudly represent the Aussie Pump brand of product. The team loves the quality, particularly when it comes to fire pumps, effluent pumps and similar, they put Aussie Pumps at the top of the list.


Here is a rundown on how Aussie Pumps helps the dairy industry.

“We know that weather patterns are changing! You don’t have to be blind not to see the tempo of change is accelerating with less climate stability than we’ve ever seen before”, said Aussie Pumps Chief Engineer, John Hales.  “Our job is to protect the farmer by developing products, many of which are based on feedback from field days”, he said.

Hales knows the challenges dairy farmers face including bush or grass fires.  “This is a reality and our job is to produce better products, at a better price, with more value added than competitors! Dairy farmers and the agricultural industry have a right to expect that”, said Hales.


Aussie developed a range of firefighting pumps that have 25% higher performance than key competitors like Davey and Onga.  The secret is a huge 7” impeller, one piece, that is perfectly matched to Honda petrol or Yanmar diesel engine drives!

“It goes together perfectly with great results”, said Hales.

Dairy farmers wanting a versatile pump can look no further than the Aussie Fire Chief or it’s big brother, the twin impeller “Mr T”.  Even the single impeller will give you almost 100 psi, making it suitable not just for firefighting but for a host of other ‘on farm’ duties. They include long distance water transfer, machinery washdown, and lots more.  It will even pump agricultural chemicals when fitted with a Viton seal kit!


When it comes to processing, Aussie has got 316 stainless steel pumps that will handle whey, even caustic laden waste water from the processing plants. Big self priming pumps will handle flows up to 2200 lpm with some available with high pressure as well.

These Aussie GMP self priming pumps also come in standard cast iron configuration with prices that are extremely realistic for first world products.  Aussie build them with Honda petrol engines, Yanmar diesels and even hydraulic drives for applications as diverse as water transfer by tanker or spraying effluent in the paddock.  They are also available in nickel aluminium bronze.


Aussie Pumps tackles these in a simple way.  They build a range of Honda powered 30% glass filled polyester pumps that self prime perfectly, first time, every time and are equipped with a range of elastomers, suitable for a variety of liquids.

“With the high cost of urea, phosphates and other ag chemicals, farmers can’t afford to waste a drop” said Hales.  The 2” and 3” polyester ‘Smart Pumps’ mean that sprayers can be loaded fast and safely.   We are replacing tired warn out old fire pumps that have been misapplied for pumping agricultural chemicals in the past.  These pump high volume, not high pressure.  The 3” version will even handle up to 1100 lpm”, he said.


The Aussie Pump team and the Gold Distributor network all back the program to take climate change seriously.  Not by protesting but believing the government should take action, if necessary to change the landscape to avoid floods and retain water storage for farming and civic use.

“Australia can be drought proofed.  That was proved by Bradfield in the 1930’s.  All we need is a government with the courage to actually take on this momentous task!  It was costed during Barnaby Joyce’s time in Federal parliament at around $60B.  Let’s assume it’s around $100B now.  Wouldn’t that be the bargain of the century”, said Hales.

Further information is available from Aussie’s Gold Distributors around the Country.


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